Friday, April 04, 2003

Right now, I'm in bio lab, exchanging catty comments with the bio instructor about how much I hate bio labs. Extremely fatigued. I shouldn't have stayed up so late last night, but I went out walking and I ran into friends and ended up watching Classic Jerry Springer, "My Boyfriend is Really a Girl." Oh the joys of the illiterate world. Well, they did have text on the screen.

I'm kind've grumpy right now. It's because of not getting sleep. So if I enjoyed staying up last night, I should be willing to pay the price right now. I don't understand all these philosophical arguments about pleasure. As if it were something that one could quantify. Damn callow-sophomoric youth -- me. Know nothing. Not even what I don't know. Either you don't know what you don't know so you know you know everything even though...blech. Well, it doesn't get any worse.

There's a musical performance of new music today at 4:00. Originally I was supposed to play in it, but it was tough music so the conductor let me go. I'm glad. Ugh, you never feel very much like your life is in order when your consciousness is in shambles. Not playing, squandering away my time, frivoling it away, un petit frou-frou.

Paper due for conference Monday. What am I going to do this weekend? JD is in Idaho, but I might hang out with Nick, who's so weird speaking specifically. Oh well. You'd think my life was completely normal, which it probably is. But tonight? Shabbat dinner. Oh yeah. There might even be soup.

And in Latin class we had a festival and we read a bit of a play by Plautus. Kind've boring in parts, but then I was tired. A comman in the Neil-Simon variety. There's some guy in this site who spends every entry criticizing movies. Amazing, I could never do that. I remain a name-dropper, literary reference-maker, even faker than but as callow as our dear friend H.C. which is not H.C.E. Hehe.

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