Monday, April 07, 2003

Naps are so good. I took a one hour nap today instead of attending Animal Behavior. But animal behavior is...sketchy...anyway, so why I would I want to go to that? It was only a lab lecture ? boring reiteration of what is already self-contained within the handouts. And I never read the handouts. This whole evolution thing sounds pretty doubtful to me. It's based on the idea that you have an animal with one character trait going along perfectly well, and then suddenly it splits into offspring with two different character traits. Not one, but two. Distinct markers of differentiation. Why not three? Or four? Or five? And we can't tell whether any of it actually happened or not. Science is a religion. Sola fide.

So apparently you can translate the english idiom into latin: "Do caput"...I leave it to you to figure out what it means. But technically the body member referred to is unambiguous in latin, and it doesn't have quite the same connotation as it does in the english. Oh well.

So Chris is leaving DU. It's so sad. If DU is reading this, you should give Chris more money. I can't believe you waste so much money on your music program such that, when it comes to rewarding the poor, innocent computer majors, there isn't any left. What's up with that? Sell a Steinway.

I'm pretty happy right now. I don't have any work to do. I am finisehd with my homework. That's right. I turned in my essay, I practiced flute, I read another of Catullus' poems (he is obsessed with that sparrow), I read the book of Revelation for Friday, and now I am sitting back, chatting online (= wasting time) and listening to Weather Report at high volume. Life is good.

Today I had orchestra. I didn't go last week, but I decided to return today. Well, actually, it's not really a matter of choice. I really like orchestra, actually. Even though I haven't been practicing as much lately. But I did practice today. Orchestra on Mondays, flute choir on Wednesdays. We're playing Music for the Royal Fireworks by Handel (pronounced, as I learned only recently, "handle", as bad as Dvorjak [sp?]) and Beethoven's...5th, I believe. Our conductor calls it, "humorous". I have never heard that term applied to a piece of music before. But then there were those wacky abstract Dadas who sat down at the piano, played nothing, got up, and left. Definition of music as sound over a period of time. Those crazy Dadas.

Well, that's about it for today. I'm so happy I slept. Sleep is so nice. Soooo nice. Hmm...I really can't think of anything else to write. Oh, if you've never read the Book of Revelation, you should: it's weird. It's kind've like James Joyce, only the words follow in a generally comprehensible syntactic structure. Actually, what it most resembles is Dante. And we all love much.


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