Friday, March 18, 2005

Posseder un corps: how the flame licks the questionable lips.
Posseder un corps: in swoops, in lashes, in tongues of flame.
Posseder un corps: I've said it thrice, and the sweet sucre.

Posseder la vérité au moyen d'un corps, dans un corps, entre un corps:
Enter and penetrate between the folding cover of ecstatic sheets,
Between and through, penetrating essences, entering the collimations
Of the secret âme. Âme secrete, chanson, colombon
Pourpre des pèlerinages: Dis-moi ce que tu sais, et où je vais; dites-moi

Le travail et le receuil, le seuil des secrets. Secreted collusions,
Feuilles par écueils, the questioning rituals of the unknown,
Bring me unquantifiable peregrinations, raw and mottled
Birds, bejeweling doves. and the secrets of those doves:
Take your flights through the upper air, and the lower air,
And glisten the ether. Ethers, fumes, transports, extases,
Et tous ces sons qui sont jamais dits, déjà et encore.

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