Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Imagine Me an Evil Man

Imagine me an evil man,
Cripple with a red cane
Craning his neck for a snatch
Of dissipation;

Imagine how I hate my friends,
Eat their frozen plums,
Spray their hollyhocks with lye,
And burn down barns for fun;

Imagine...but I have done despicable things:
I have cheered at babes who stab their fathers,
Yearned to bear round brimming vats
Of blood like wine: my soul has supped
Always with a sharp tooth on disaster, and I enjoy
The scream of fatal penetrations.

I open the doors of my home
To thieves, debauchery, and gamblers;
I have pushed myself on something hard,
All dagger-like, and groaned. Pleasure

Is my only consort, but I'll raise high hell
To pay him. When, weary with my wounds,
I drag a whelping heart, then I'll urge
On siren death:

But don't think that I yearn for the abyss,
Or ape anticipation; my yawn is one long
Seedy grin, that plants the years with locust weeds,
And furrows them with homely deeds.

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