Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Herodiade (Mallarme)

Abolished, and her wing, hideous in tears,
The basin's, abolished, mirror of alarms,
Since from naked gold profaning russet space
A dawn -- cresting feathers -- chose
Our cinerary, sacrificial port,
Heavy tomb the bluebird fled, caprice
Alone of dawn in vain black plumes...
Ah! Uprooted countries and the manor, sad!
And not a lap! The mourning water folds
Again into herself, whom no more feathers see,
And neither the memorable swan: the water reflects the affront
Of an autumn extinguishing, in her, his branch:
The swan's when, among the pale mausoleum
Where the plume plunged her head, grieved
By the diamond, pure, of an errant star, but
anterior, which never shined at all.
Crime! Butcher! Ancient aurora! Supplication!
Heaven's blood! Lake of complicit purple!
And among the fleshy rose, wide open, this stained glass.

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