Sunday, October 31, 2004

Pro Caelio

page numbers refer to Penguin Classics ed. trans. Michael Grant, 1989
/ refers to a new subject or paragraph

166. the stranger conceit, public games, insinuations re. Clodia
167. pardon of Atratinus, character of Caelius
168. a) his father; b) his town
169. Caelius' morals (a) / defamation vs. prosecution
170. Atratinus' pudor / Caelius' decency and his father's care
171. Catiline - Caelius under Cicero
172. Army days / Catiline the two-headed monster
173. "fictitous mimicry of virtue" / "I myself..." so you can't be surprised if even Caelius did
174. Caelius would not have brought a charge of conspiracy if he were (id bribery)
175. debt, moving out of the house
176. King Ptolemy and Medea quote / various other charges
177. insinuation that prosecution has no senators / C.'s assault of wives / "hidden hand"
178. bribery of witnesses - no witnesses / Crassus, Dio's murder: P. Ascius acquitted
180. Titus & Gaius Caponius, friends of Dio & C. / Lucius H's insidious speech
181. Herennius too stern on vice / Bestia dinners / Luperci
182. Herrenius' logic vs. C.'s rage / Baiae / youth!
183. Easy to attack immorality / "common failings" / Caelius not vice
184. Intro to Clodia, gold and poison, ruptured love
185. Husband-brother, permission to attack Clodia / civil or severe?
186. Impersonation of Caecus, lust
187. Clodia: Show that he didn't party or you did
188. Polish (her brother): other men / corrupts youth with money / Cic. as father to Caelius
189. Cruel fathers / no debts, just rumors / kind father
190. The "imaginary" foil for Clodia / objections to Cicero's education / superhuman
191. It's the rage these days / nature & youth (but cf. 182)
192. Freedom of youth, with conditions / good citizens formerly corrupt
194. Caelius is himself viceless, a good orator = good man / Clodia's cupidity
195. "Out of touch with our...age" / not adultery, just plain sex / I forgive you Clodia
196. Dilemna both ways in favor of C. / gold and poison / Dio
197. Why did C. give gold?
199. More exonerations re Dio / no oratorical tricks / Lucceius as witness
200. Dismissal of Dio / Poisoning - what motive?
201. Dio invented for Clodia / who helped - her slaves? / slaves = associates of Clodia
202. How did he get the poison? / insinuations re. Q. Met., his death
203. Does she have the audacity to discuss poison? / the baths
204. Imperfect tense handing over of box / Clodia as a maker of fabulas
205. Holes: why not take the box, before rather than after / Pantomime
206. The witnesses / court-room and dining room
207. Slaves freed
208. Stories about the box / Closing statements - vis
209. Some precedents by prosecution for vis via morals
210. Caelius' training / test. from Crassus and Pompey / first orat. success
211. Success until Clodia (critical juncture) & prosecution of Bestia
212. His ambition will mellow / preserve a nat'l treasure / cf. Cicero
213. Sex Cloelius as a foil / Caelius' father
214. Pietas, the fruits


1. What does Cicero's speech reveal about Roman attitudes toward moral behavior in this period?

2. How much does Cicero use Caelius' defence as an opportunity to pursue his own enmities?

3. Is Caelius comparable to Catiline?

4. What is the role of Clodia in this speech and how is she villified?

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