Sunday, October 10, 2004

The poet wanders a crumbling world
Eating pistachios. Hamlet or the prince of thieves,
Stealing fragments and reassembling them
Into vivid semblances of sound, spreading pyramids
And stretching spheres, smoking cigs
Of such black pitch and pithy stuff. Muse,
Name the several types of tobbaco:
Burley, strong and field-soaked, rich, mixed regally
With drama (Elizebethan type from dun);
Black Mallory, heavy in the glazing fire of wheat, and Ismir,
Samsun from the Balkans; lemons, Virginia oranges, Blue Cadmon
Caledonian, and Marlin Flakes, dexterous dextrose,
Fine cut Cavendish of nicotine in sucrose-white rolled stumps
Cudgeoned into the pavement, thick-dug by a blunt-heeled

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