Monday, January 17, 2005

From Alencia Lysander:

There are no poets anymore, no philosophers;
Words have lost their meaning. Don't worry,
Do what I do and steep yourself in pleasure:
I fucked a fat strumpet last night, a nun, her wimple
Cast on a crumpled jock, a pair of dirty socks --
She had lily-white, fat thighs which she lifted
High into the air, while my penis fumbled
Here and there (I missed her juicy hole
As often as I came, fat as she was,
Across her virgin berth).
Afterwards she took a bath. I kept staring
At those ivory thighs,
The way she raised a swollen foot
Out of the water, sudded soapy toes. I was
Erect again, I dived into her
Intimate girth, she screamed,
And it was fun. It rained the day I met her; the gargoyles
Were sobbing on the street, the water was dripping
Down grotesque eyes, trickling from gaping noses
Curled into sneers not a mother could love.
What sculptor carved such ugliness, hoping for what
Salvation? In the church, they pray, the salt-smelling incense
Rises. Tears, tears, everything is tears,
The whole world is crying -- the fuckers. All they want
(And this I know) is to fuck and be fucked, 'cause I've done them all
-- And triple six times. Oh Lord, please fuck me. Oh Lord,
Shove the firmament up of my ass, split me Lord,
Split me in sin. Bah, the whole lot of them isn't worth
A spit: man's fallen, man's prostrate,
Man's up to his knees in fucking mud.

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