Sunday, November 21, 2004

Sonnet by Moonlight

Vritur infelix Dido totaque uagatur
Vrbe furens

When the solemn arch of the lamplight, pierced
By the first, reckless gleam of the day, gutters
And collapses into a dark fog, thick and foul,
Whose acrid, desirous murmur dispels

Through the passionate air like my longing
For sleep's fragrant peace,
Another urge, secret
And rich in fertile chants

Reaches into my heart as deep as the fresh air
That tickles my nipples, and I swear on an errant word,
Some idle phrase, lost in a vagrant dream;

And somewhere a wind whips the dancing trees
Into a frenzy of unseen music, the sun boils over
Like a bloodshot eye, and the blue sky...freezes

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