Sunday, August 10, 2003

Last night was the night from hell. Let me explain: 3 glasses of wine + 2 guys (1 of whom you've slept with and the other who you think is cute). They hook up after 4 glasses of wine, leaving you to be sad-drunk and miserable on the couch. You feel angry. You feel depressed. You cry, you go out to the balcony and moan, you take a shower and wail, hoping to be noticed but at the same time terrified of having anybody see how completely stupid you are.

That doesn't really make you understand how bad I felt, but it at least maybe explains what happened. I don't know. I don't wanna go into it. I just have to say that after a day of moping about and recovering, I am so fricking angry at Joey and John even if I have no reason to be. I wish something bad would happen to them.

At least Brit and Chris are my friends. Yay for Brit and Chris. Strike that night from my life, if you please.

:-P Yuck yuck yuck yuck.

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